Helicóptero US HH-65A DOLPHIN - Trumpeter - 1/48
  • Helicóptero US HH-65A DOLPHIN - Trumpeter - 1/48
  • Helicóptero US HH-65A DOLPHIN - Trumpeter - 1/48
  • Helicóptero US HH-65A DOLPHIN - Trumpeter - 1/48
  • Helicóptero US HH-65A DOLPHIN - Trumpeter - 1/48
  • Helicóptero US HH-65A DOLPHIN - Trumpeter - 1/48

Helicóptero US HH-65A DOLPHIN - Trumpeter - 1/48

Sku: TRU02801

NCM: 0000.50.41

Categoria: Aviões / Helic - 1/ 48Helicopteros 1/48PlastimodelismoMais PlastimodelismoHelicópteros

Marca: Trumpeter Plastimodelismo

Código de Barras: 9580208028019

Quantidade Disponivel: 0 un

Produto Indisponível
Unidade: un

de R$ 189,90

Por R$ 169,90

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Informações do Produto

US HH-65A DOLPHIN - TRUMPETER - Kit para montar e pintar - Plastimodelismo
Modelo Estático destinado a Hobby - Não tem Valor de Brinquedo (14+)
Não contém Cola nem Tintas (vendidas separadamente)
código: TRU02801
escala: 1/48
tamanho: 282 mm x 238 mm
n. de peças: 91
US HH-65A DOLPHIN - The United States Coast Guard has added 96 short range HH-65A helicopters to its fleet to replace the HH-52A Sikorsky Sea Guard. Though normally stationed ashore, the dolphins can be carried on board assisting in the missions of search and rescue including drug interdiction, polar ice breaking, marine environmental protection including pollution control, and military readiness. HH-65As are made of corrosion-resistant, composite-structure materials. The shrouded tail rotor is unique to the Dolphin. Also a unique feature of the Dolphin is its computerized flight management system. Sometimes, the system will bring the aircraft to a stable hover 50 feet above a selected object. The Dolphin is manufactured by Aerospatiale Helicopter Corporation in Grand Praire, Texas

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